It's been 10 years of wedded bliss, but I can remember in the early days of our relationship, Mario would act a bit nervous or uneasy sometimes.

Like there was something he was hiding.

When he finally told me, and explained his digestion was affecting his everyday life, his work, his confidence, it all made sense in my head.

It had been years of him sneaking off to the bathroom all the time, sometimes avoiding eating at work or events, always needing to know where the restrooms were.

I realized this is more than just a sensitive stomach, and I started to worry...

Would it get worse? Could it affect our family life?

It's not easy watching someone you love go through a health struggle alone.

And when it comes to gut issues, it can be awkward for them to talk about. He would never admit this, yet I could tell he felt isolated and embarrassed because of it.

I said…Mi Corazon, the Lopez family sticks together.

I told him no more hiding away, no more avoiding this. He knew what was on the line, he was willing to try anything.

It was about a week after he met Dr. Kellyann Petrucci that I was seeing glimpses of a new Mario. I could tell he was experiencing way less discomfort, less time in the bathroom, and he just seemed lighter and relieved. And it seemed so easy.

I was like oh my gosh, this is actually working.

And we just started by swapping one food into his daily routine for a few weeks that Dr. Kellyann swears by.

Mario was raving about how good it tasted, so I figured I might as well try it. You know Dr. Kellyann is Italian like me and we don't cook anything half-hearted, so she had my trust from the beginning.

Here's what I discovered after I implemented it into my everyday life too.

There's pep back in my step

It's no secret that Mario and I live a crazy life. Between work and carting the kids around, we have long days and I always felt like there wasn't enough coffee in the world to keep me up. But this seems to really give me an extra zing. And I'm not so reliant on that caffeine kick.

My skin is so soft and rejuvenated

I'm only 40, but I'm not above some preemptive measures! And all I have to say is wow. My skin is so soft, and just naturally balanced. Fine lines have started vanishing. I don't think my skin has looked this good since before I was a teenager.

It's a fantastic family meal

I thought I'd try cooking with it and see if I could incorporate it into our family meals with the kids since Mario and I loved the flavor so much. I cooked rice in it and now I don't know if I can ever cook rice in normal boiling water again. It's just so soul-warming and cozy. The whole family loves it.


And now I can't imagine our lives without it.

Whether you have turned the bathroom into your home office like my husband, if you're looking to add something new into your beauty routine, or if you just want to get creative with a healthy family meal, Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth is a no-brainer addition to your routine.

Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth is a staple in our kitchen now, and it has changed our lives for the better.

You can try the bone broth we swear by in the Lopez household, today, for an exclusive discount.

Click the link below to get your special discount today. Your whole family will be thanking you!

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